
Special Education

The High School Special Education Department provides the support identified students need to achieve their greatest level of academic and functional independence. Students are supported through their IEP in all curriculum levels.  As mandated through IDEA, individual transition plans are developed for students and goals are developed through the IEP to support students’ needs to ensure readiness for post secondary opportunities. Students and parents are advised of the range of options open to them as well as the recommended options to meet their individual goals.   Every curriculum area and level is open to all HS students and identified special education students receive inclusion support in general education settings as needed.  Some courses are designated as "college prep" and require a greater level of independence while others are designed to meet the district benchmarks and provide opportunities for students to continue to work on their functional skills.  

All courses have core competencies that all special education students must pass to earn credit for the course.  Special educational assistants and when appropriate, special education teachers and case managers, are available to provide in-class support including reinforcement of the teacher's instruction or other skill sets as determined by the IEP. Classroom teachers also receive support in implementing IEP accommodations and modifications through consultation with special education teachers and case managers. Additional support to students is available by accessing "Advisory or Math Lab, and Futures Lab", general education services open to all students in need of these supports at the high school.

Pull out core curriculum classes are offered in Math, English, Social Studies, Science and Reading.  These classes are taught be certified special education teachers and each of them are certified as Highly Qualified in their content area.   The content in these courses meets the state and district benchmarks and provides the instruction and supports required as outlined in students’ individual education programs (IEP).  In compliance with IDEA and the State Performance Plan Indicator 13, each student over the age of sixteen has an individualized education program which includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post secondary goals.  

Study Lab is a support service offered throughout the school day.  The main purpose of Study Lab is to support students in their course work.  Case managers teach and reinforce study and learning strategies that will help students be successful and independent learners. Students are coached on how to advocate for themselves. Strategies in time-management, organization, note taking; memory and test-taking skills are stressed, using the students' own course materials to apply the strategies. Students also receive support in the completion of homework and long-term assignments.  Greater emphasis on addressing the needs of each student is met through these grade level labs.  The focus in freshman study lab is study skills, organization, and homework completion.  At the sophomore level, an on-line study skills assessment is given to determine the specific needs of each student.  At the junior/senior level, the focus shifts to individual transition planning for post high school considerations along with continued academic support.  At the after school study lab, students are either scheduled daily or drop in for homework help when needed.